"Thank you for joining me in this fight @RepStefanik, @RepJimBanks, @RepRichHudson, @RepTimBurchett, @RepHarshbarger, @RobWittman, @RepDLamborn, @RepMaryMiller, @RepJeffDuncan, @RepMoolenaar, @RepAndyBiggsAZ, @replouiegohmert, @GReschenthaler, @RepGregMurphy, @RepBost"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Vicky Hartzler:
"We must protect our 2A rights.That's why I'm leading the effort against the ATF and DOJ's latest burdensome and unconstitutional gun rule.The ATFs expanded definition of a firearm effectively expands their already illegal billion-record gun registry.hartzler.house.gov/media-center/p"Read on Twitter
"Today, Coach Kennedy is defending Americas God-given rights of freedom of religion and speech before #SCOTUS.Thank you for your fearless efforts for the American people! twitter.com/1stLiberty/sta"Read on Twitter
"Biden created a #BorderCrisis, #InflationCrisis, #EnergyCrisis, and a #CrimeCrisis in America.Bidens plan: Im getting out on the road again instead of dealing with the day-to-day emergencies in my office"Read on Twitter