"@RepGrothman, @RepChipRoy, @RepRutherfordFL@RepAlexMooney, @RepBice, @RepDustyJohnson, @RepJohnRose, @RepWalorski, @RepBethVanDuyne, @RepLarryBucshon, @RepRalphNorman, @RepKenBuck, @RepAdrianSmith, @RepMTG, @RepRickAllen, @TXRandy14, @RepDLesko, @Congressman_JVD, @RodneyDavis"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Vicky Hartzler:
"@RepCawthorn, @RepRosendale, @CongPalazzo, @RepBrianBabin, @RepRussFulcher, @RepFischbach"Read on Twitter"Read on Twitter
"We must protect our 2A rights.That's why I'm leading the effort against the ATF and DOJ's latest burdensome and unconstitutional gun rule.The ATFs expanded definition of a firearm effectively expands their already illegal billion-record gun registry.hartzler.house.gov/media-center/p"Read on Twitter
"Thank you for joining me in this fight @RepStefanik, @RepJimBanks, @RepRichHudson, @RepTimBurchett, @RepHarshbarger, @RobWittman, @RepDLamborn, @RepMaryMiller, @RepJeffDuncan, @RepMoolenaar, @RepAndyBiggsAZ, @replouiegohmert, @GReschenthaler, @RepGregMurphy, @RepBost"Read on Twitter